Thanks for the Feedback

The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well by Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen

Book Summary

"Thanks for the Feedback" is a transformative book that focuses on the art and science of receiving feedback effectively. Written by Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen, the book aims to help individuals understand the different types of feedback and how to use them for personal and professional growth. It argues that while giving feedback is a skill, receiving it is an equally important skill that many people overlook. The book provides a framework for understanding the emotional and psychological triggers that often make receiving feedback difficult and offers actionable advice on how to overcome these barriers.

Key Takeaways You'll Get Out

Understanding Types of Feedback

The book categorizes feedback into three types: Appreciation, Coaching, and Evaluation. Understanding the purpose of each type can help you better receive and act upon the feedback you get.

Emotional Intelligence in Receiving Feedback

The book emphasizes the importance of emotional intelligence in receiving feedback. It advises not to react too quickly to criticism and to consider the intentions behind the feedback.

Growth Mindset

Adopting a growth mindset is crucial for making the most out of the feedback you receive. Viewing feedback as an opportunity for growth rather than a personal attack can significantly impact how you respond to it.

Key Quotes

"The expenditure of physical and mental work is natural."

"People are open to learning and actually seek responsibility."

"Performance is the result of collective intelligence, emergence, and self-regulation."

Key Insights We've Learned

The Power of Self-Reflection

The book encourages self-reflection as a tool for better understanding the feedback you receive. It suggests that taking a moment to reflect can often reveal deeper issues that the feedback might be pointing to.

Providing Context for Better Communication

Understanding the context in which feedback is given can provide additional layers of meaning. Whether it's organizational culture or the relationship between the giver and receiver, context matters.

Actionable Feedback is the Best Feedback

The book stresses the value of actionable feedback. Knowing what specific steps to take post-feedback can make the difference between stagnation and growth.

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