Email Course: User Story Mapping

Learn to Define User Flows, User Stories, and MVPs Without Experience!


Enough With Scope Changes, and Moving ETAs… It’s Time to Deliver!

Have you been wondering why projects always face unseen scope changes, dependencies, and delays? How many times have you even added a buffer of a couple of weeks and still delivered later as planned? I’ve been there many times...

Is there a magic formula for flawless product or feature planning? To be honest, I'm not sure there is. But what has significantly improved my project planning is user story mapping.

What You’ll Learn

Building the right products and products right can be challenging. Input from different people and stakeholders can overload features very quickly.

How can you make sure that you build a product that hits both the customer and the market needs? By the end of this course you’ll be able to:

  1. Prepare features & set up story-mapping sessions

  2. Manage story mapping sessions

  3. Define an MVP & releases

  4. Get your team & stakeholders to buy in

  5. Use the right tools

Course Content

1x Kickoff email

5x Lessons

1x Follow-up

Links, reads & slides

Timeframe: 2 weeks

Who This Course is for

Product Manager & Owner



Product Designer (UI/UX)


Agile Coaches/Scrum Master


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