Customer Research

Customer Research is a specialized form of research that focuses on understanding customer segments, needs, and behaviors. This glossary entry aims to offer a thorough understanding of Customer Research, its significance in product management, and what it is not.

What is Customer Research?

Customer Research is the practice of identifying and understanding your customers' needs, preferences, and behaviors. It is often conducted as part of market research, user research, or design research. The primary goal is to gain insights into current or potential customers of a specific brand or product to identify unmet needs and opportunities for business growth.

Key Components of Customer Research

  • Demographics: Information such as age, gender, and income level that helps in defining a product's target audience.

  • Behaviors and Motivators: Understanding the reasons behind the use of a product and how customers go about using it, including the contextual areas of "where" and "when."

  • Quantitative and Qualitative Methods: Techniques like interviews, surveys, focus groups, and ethnographic field studies are commonly used.

What Customer Research Isn't

Customer Research is not merely about gathering demographic data or following market trends. It is a systematic, ongoing process that aims to understand various behaviors and motivators, thereby placing a product's use and potential on a higher level of study.

Importance of Customer Research in Product Management

  1. Targeting: Helps in identifying the right focus for marketing campaigns.

  2. Concept Development: Aids in the ideation process to identify opportunities for future products, services, or features.

  3. User-Centric Design: Keeps the end-users in clear sight long before the end of any design phase, ensuring that the product is tailored to meet their needs.

Tools and Platforms for Customer Research

Platforms like Google Analytics, SurveyMonkey, and specialized CRM software are often used to conduct Customer Research. These tools offer functionalities like data analytics, customer segmentation, and real-time feedback.

Challenges and Solutions in Customer Research

  1. Resource Constraints: One of the challenges is convincing stakeholders about the importance of Customer Research. Demonstrating ROI can be a solution.

  2. Data Management: Handling large volumes of data can be overwhelming. Specialized analytics tools can help in data interpretation.

  3. Bias and Objectivity: Maintaining objectivity and minimizing researcher's bias are crucial for the validity of the research.

The Strategic Role of Customer Research

Customer Research is not just a component of a design project; it's a strategic asset that can significantly impact the success of a product. For product managers, understanding the intricacies of Customer Research is crucial for delivering a product that is not only functional but also meets the users' needs effectively.


Customer Lifecycle


Customer Segmentation